Do I Need A Fiduciary?
If you want to have a say as to what your wishes and desires are, then yes you need a fiduciary. Including a fiduciary in your estate plan makes it easier when the time is necessary. You may not need a Fiduciary now, but there is a good chance you will need one in the future.
Temporary disability such as an accident, illness or a surgery. The Fiduciary using the Power of Attorney form can temporarily make the financial decisions necessary during this time such as paying the mortgage, utilities, insurance, credit card payments, etc.
My memory is starting to fade – It is so important to have your financial affairs in order while you have capacity. Once a doctor has diagnosed you with any form of mental impairment, then you will have to be conserved and the Probate court becomes involved along with Attorneys and guardians.
I have no family, what do I do? - A fiduciary is a person that helps you while you are alive. They make decisions that are in your best interest. They are your ADVOCATE. The fiduciary will help you with your finances (Power of Attorney) and can also help make medical decisions (Health Care Directive). A fiduciary can also be the Successor Trustee of your Living Trust and the Executor of your Estate. This can be a great planning time to discuss what possible charities can benefit.
I have a Special Needs Child. How can you help me? – We can be the alternate Fiduciary of your child. This means that you are the fiduciary for your child as long as you are capable or willing. We work with investment advisors and work out a plan that will best benefit your child’s needs. If your estate plan is properly drafted, once you pass away, the child’s portion of the inheritance will go directly into a Special Needs Trust, where we are named as the Successor Trustee. This way your child is taken care of in the way you so desire.